Monday, June 30, 2008

The Meaning of Love

Something I've been wondering about for a while... what is love? What makes what you feel for someone love? What's 'true love', and when will/how can I find it? Also the fact that once you get married, people generally have a family... and then your life is wrapped up in your work and your children for the next however many years, until finally your children have families of their own, and you retire. Then you get to come back to your spouse and learn who they are now. What could that possibly feel like?
So, of course, my wonderful subconsciousness tried to help out - but I only remember a few fragments of this dream, the basis of which was this:
I fell in love with this guy, and then later found out that he was born a girl - but that didn't affect how I felt about him.
When I woke up, I felt a sense of relief that I am capable of loving someone for who they are without worrying about who they were.