Monday, September 8, 2008

Some of my most interesting dreams are had during 15 minute naps.

Like today, for instance-
I closed my eyes, and where did I find myself? On a water slide! How awesome is that? Except that actually, I'm pretty sure it was a kiddie water slide... at any rate, it was just like the new slide/playground system at The Hollow, which is a park in the town that I grew up in. The big slide there is now, well, small, for big kids like me... I remember when I thought it was AWESOME, but now I have to scrunch waaaay down to slide down it. Anyway, there was a lot of water going down the slide, almost more than was normal - I think in my dream that I decided this was because I'd been sitting there looking out at everything for a while, but it was good because you know, the more water the better! Except that just as I was about to go, I looked at the actual slide and there was this little kid climbing back up it to a little whirlpool that was attached to and only accessible by the slide, and all of his friends were there. Obviously I couldn't go down the slide while the kid was going up it, so I waited.
The next thing I remember (perhaps the next thing that happened) was I was inside my old high school - doing what, I don't know, but the playground complex with the water slide was just outside, and I'd just come in after playing on that. For some very strange reason, Eric (from band camp?) was there, wearing this bizarre hat. It was like a crown cut-out, but it had all these notes and pictures on it - kind of like my 'senior star' thing where my parents put all these photos of me from earlier years on a big cut out star, and it got hung in the school (with the rest of the senior stars) during gradnight. Anyway, the dominant feature on this hat of Eric's was a HUGE pink feather. Interesting.
I was talking to him about why he was there (I can't remember the reason) when it suddenly started raining - which is all well and good, I love storms... but this storm had this TERRIBLE pressure; it was awful. I could feel it. like a weight in my head - I kept trying to pop my ears, but in vain! And I just started sinking under it - it was really terrible and realistic. I can't really explain it better than that. At this point, I knew there was a tornado outside, and we had to get downstairs, or somewhere safe, but the tornado was too close, and I was too far from anything to grab on to (I don't know what happened to Eric) - but as I turned to run and felt my feet slipping out from under me on the floor, I thought to myself 'it's ok, this is just a dream,' - which is a really unusual thought for my dream self to have. I usually am unaware that I'm dreaming, which sometimes makes for rather traumatic dreams. When I was little I would have 'natural disaster' dreams, and not know they were dreams until a while after I woke up. Those were the WORST. Anyway, woke up, knew where I was and what was happening.
Savored the details!

Sunday, September 7, 2008


With very little interesting plot flow:
I guess it was move-in day at Wellesley, and for some reason, my three best friends from high school all went to school here too (awesome!). So Sara and Kristen had already moved in, and they'd come to help me get my stuff inside when Linnea drove by with her family and all her stuff (but, weirdly, in KP's dad's car) and Sara and KP (this is Kristen) ran after the car to go say hello, and I decided my stuff would be fine where it was and went too. When we caught up with her, Mrs Piel (KP's mom) said that we all had to go see the music building, which was nothing at all like Jewett, which is the real music building at Wellesley. It was interesting, architecturally speaking, but also not made of concrete. It had all of these oddly placed beams that arched across open spaces. Anyway, we walked through a big open room (performance hall, I guess!) and we started to walk through this really narrow room: the room ran perpendicular to the path we were walking on, and it was probably 15 feet long and maybe 5 feet wide, and it was full of chairs. There was a girl all the way at one end playing a violin (I think), and then some guy sitting right next to the door we were walking through. He stopped us and told us that everyone has to learn to play the viola before going any farther (which, now that I think about it, could have meant musically speaking, or literally in terms of passing him), but I thought he was being creepy and just sort of pushed by him. He then whipped out his viola - but it was a viola de gamba - and proceeded to play something. Kp, Nea (Linnea), Sara, and I just kept going though. The next room was just like Dillon Music, with all of the amazing things that could interest me (well, it was the first room of DM - the room with the mutes and the knick-knacks and the CDs and cases. But the rest of it was just beyond! I was looking at something, when someone called that Sara had found a bass flute, and we should come and listen to her play it. Sooo I headed back out (but the room with the viola/violin players was gone) and there was Sara with this gigantic THING on the ground. I think, if anything, it was a contra-flute. If they exist. It had waaay too many curves in it to be a bass flute. So, well, she played something on it. Then I woke up.
Weird, eh?