Thursday, April 21, 2011


This is a short update because it has now been a few days and I don't quite remember the details... but the other night I dream that I was hiking up some part of the Himalayas with my 7 siblings (now that I think about it I'm not sure if we were 7 in total or if there were 7 and me) and I think we were hiding...? and then something picked us up in a helicopter and took us to where we were going (and we passed over all of these Yeti castles made out of yellow stone/ice). That happened to be another Yeti castle, where we had been essentially kidnapped (but in a good way?) to develop our talents (not sure what they were, although I had the impression that mine was painting). We had to solve riddles to get into our new rooms, except the riddle was kind of that you had to find your own room. Greg (still the eldest) found his first and all he had to do was touch the door, which then turned green and let him in. There was writing on plaques next to all of the doors, and that was how you figured it out - I couldn't find mine though. Finally I found a closet with paint in it, that was why I thought painting was my talent, and overheard some of the Yetis talking. They seemed very nice though, and they were disguised as humans (weird). Then I finally found my room and discovered the reason I hadn't found it before was because apparently Brendan and I were twins and so we had a shared room. I thought that was kind of dumb, since everyone else got their own room! (but now, when I think about this part, I think that there were 6 rooms in total, so there must have been 7 of us in total. Glad that got sorted out.)

Yup. Cool, huh?

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Buh, half awake dreams are no fun when they're scary.

This morning I was relaxing in bed, enjoying the thought of a snow blanketed world outside whilst snuggled in my warm blankets, when I (unsurprisingly) drifted off to sleep. I'd hit snooze on my alarm specifically to allow for this very probable happenstance, so it wasn't anything of concern. I did dream though, and it was strange and slightly disturbing.

First though, some quick backstory: As seems to be common in old places with lots of people, people have died at Wellesley. Unfortunately, not all of these deaths are accidental or natural; some of them are intentional. Wellesley gives a Halloween tour of these old (locked) rooms and tells their stories - I've never been on it, but my roommate has, and she told me about this one in the basement of the dorm next to ours where three servants (back in a time when students brought servants to school/had servants at all!) hung themselves together. :( I didn't know where it was exactly, so a few weeks ago I was traveling through the basement of this dorm, working my way toward the basement of my own dorm (it was raining outside) and I saw this strange staircase and thought I would explore a little. The door at the top of it, however, was locked - I tried it. With a shrug, I turned back down the stairs and continued on my way. You've probably guessed what that door went to - it's commonly referred to here as 'The Suicide Suites', and it completely creeped me out that I'd tried the door.

Anyway, this morning, as I was dozing in my comfy bed, I had one of those half-dreams, where part of you knows that you're sleeping and if you can only just move yourself, you'll snap out of it and it will be ok - but you can't move! And it feels like there's some kind of current running through your body, locking your limbs in place. It started out fine; I was traveling through the tunnels because I wanted to go somewhere, and I came out of them right across from the suites. I didn't realize that was where I was though, so when I saw the stairs I just trotted up them and reached for the door handle - at which point a voice on the other side said, quite clearly 'It's locked.' The me in my dream was completely frozen, as was the real physical me - I couldn't move to wake myself up, no matter how hard I tried. Although I guess that strictly speaking, that isn't true because I did manage to snap myself out of it eventually, but it was pretty frightening. Made my eyes water and everything (my eyes water when I'm really scared, interestingly enough).


I had another longer and more involved dream than that, while I was actually sleeping, but all I can remember of it at this point is something about a large trampoline and perhaps a submarine. Hmmm.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Pushing snooze repeatedly makes for disjointed, yet fascinating, dreams

Jessica and I decided we would each make sure the other got up this morning because we have errands to make sure that we run, but alas! We are both victims of the endless-snooze-pushing-disease. (hmm) In the process though, I had a pretty bizarre series of dreams:
First I dreamt that I was wandering around in the science center, and I found this closet with a while bunch of supplies in it - but it was full of excellent supplies! Like Kindles! and touch-screen thingamabobs! and thumbtacks! (In my dream, I really needed some thumbtacks, so I felt really lucky). After going and doing whatever it was that I had needed to do, I went back to the closet because it was full of such interesting things! And this professor (I guess she was a professor; I didn't recognize her in my dream, and I don't recognize her now that I'm awake) came in just as I was playing with the Kindle, and wanted to know what I was doing. I, of course, was like "Wow! Look at this! We have a Kindle! How awesome is that?!" But apparently this was a super secret closet, and students weren't supposed to know about it, so she kicked me out.
I can't remember if I visited the closet before or after this bit - this might have been what I needed the thumbtacks for - but somehow I knew about these tiny people (they were like tiny light people, like... I don't know how to describe them. Like light people. Anyway.) They were stuck inside this classroom, and I had to thread some string through the wall so that they could do something with it, and I could pull the blocks out of the wall... and then they came out! And they were so cool! And someone (perhaps that mean professor person) walked by and she was like "... what are you doing?" just as the light people came out of the wall. It was awesome.

I think that perhaps the light people took me to this really neat place, but there was a little bit of an interlude in which I was a cat. hahahahahaha
For a brief period of time, I was sitting in a medical clinic, and first I was looking at the clinic through a camera that a young boy had (he was making a movie) and then he started to doze off, so I guess I left the point of view of the camera? And that's when I was a cat. But I didn't think of myself as a cat (even though at this point, that's what I was) - I was just another person in the clinic with these people. Then I was poking at a bowl of water, and suddenly it wasn't a bowl of water anymore, it was a river!! And THEN I was myself again, except the cat was still there, so I looked around, and I was in this absolutely fantastically beautiful place with these GORGEOUS rocks everywhere, and there was all this mist -
and then I realized it wasn't mist, it was a lava flow! But it wasn't scary because it was a really high viscosity flow, so it wasn't moving terribly fast, but we did need to get out of the river bed, so I called to the cat and we trotted along until we found a place to cross the river (stopping to look at the beautiful rocks along the way), and then we did find a place to cross, and when we got to the other side, we found a path apparently made by the people who had evacuated from wherever the lava had come from, and there was something interesting and significant about that, that I knew in my dream, but I can't remember it anymore. Sooo, the cat and I went along their trail to find them... and I woke up.


Sunday, November 9, 2008

Geology and Music are combing in my head in straaaaange ways

Last night I had this very odd dream about band... for whatever reason, I was visiting Nonnewaug and they were doing some marching band thing and they needed me to play -and woah, I'd brought my trumpet! The uniforms were mostly the same except the jackets were longer (with tails!!!) and flashier and there were hats! It was pretty exciting. So we were in this room off the side of wherever it was that we were playing, warming up and such. I pulled out my horn - but my mouthpiece was bent! I put it in my leadpipe and tried to play, and it was ok, but it was kind of weird. I decided that I would go find my old band director, because I knew that the director before him had had a thing that pulled stuck mouthpieces out of trumpets, and in my dream that translated to a dented-mouthpiece-fixer, so I started wandering through the school. It was PACKED! With people come to see whatever it was the band was playing at and also the band itself! My whole old section was there, and they all had the really awesome uniforms and some of them had piccolo trumpets and others had heralds!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And someone had a heraldic piccolo!!!!!!!!!! wooooooooooahh!!! I finally made it to the gym, which was where my band director was - he was sitting at a table with all of my old band directors, and they were all wearing long-sleeved full-legged unitards. I do not know why. It wasn't strange in my dream though.
Anyway, I pulled out my mouthpiece to show them, and that was when I realized there was a FAULT LINE ACROSS MY MOUTHPIECE!!!! And that's why it was 'dented' and that's why it wasn't playing right! When I first saw it, the fault line wasn't visible, just the deformation to the mouthpiece - but when I pulled it out later, I could see the fault line, and there was definite displacement! Amazing. I couldn't figure out what I was going to do - I thought it was my Model 5 Marcinkiewicz (which they apparently don't make anymore? I don't know. I got mine from my high school trumpet teacher) - but then I realized that it was actually my Bach mouthpiece, which is obviously no big deal. Except that I wanted to play!!!! I was about to go off and find someone with an extra mouthpiece when I woke up though, so no buzzing in my sleep. Ah well.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


My dreams of late have been very strange, and borderline distressing - my subconscious has been playing tricks on me! Lately I've been dreaming about people I know, but in my dreams they're not who I know them as. For example, the other day I dreamt about a strange combination of a friend and my little brother - in this case, the dream-blend looked like my friend, but was, in actuality, my brother. That's the only concrete example I can think of; the others aren't as definite - in other words, I'll dream about someone specific, but when I wake up, I know that the person I dreamt about - even though I *knew* who they were in my dream - wasn't actually the person I thought s/he was. Make sense?
Yeah, it messes with me too. Especially because I have a hard time re-setting my notions of people until I interact with them after the dream was had, because as far as my subconscious is concerned, it WAS a real encounter. Which is kind of weird.

Sorry for the lame update! Lately (most of) my dreams have been either incoherent or boring - in the sense that they're about everyday things. Maybe when I start sleeping regularly again things will pick up.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Dreams Dreams Dreams!

I really don't update this as often as I should.
On the other hand, my dreams aren't always fascinating and worthy of recording - and by worthy, I just really mean you all don't need to read about me walking around or showing up late for an exam and other such nonsense that sometimes happens in my dreams.
Anywho, I have had a few interesting dreams over the past week or so - little blips on the dream radar, but neat all the same.

Dream 1
The first dream that I jotted down took place in a huge coastal amphitheater that I was visiting with my structural geology class. It was SO COOL. It was also very steep and dangerous, and the ocean sort of wooooooshed into it and filled it up a lot more than it looked like it would - then it would go out, and you'd think you could go lower, but really, you couldn't. The amphitheater was made up of all of these different ledges of rock pushed in all sorts of directions, but they were all fairly column-like. Anyway, I tried to walk down a bit, just to see what was below the tide line, but the ocean came in (woooooosh!) and caught me - it was lucky that I hadn't been lower in the amphitheater, otherwise I probably would have gotten smoo(oooo)shed. As it was, I just got pushed up to where my geos professor was sitting observing, and he told me that he thought I probably shouldn't try that again. I agreed, and looked around to see what I should clamber over to - and a few ledges above me, there was this salt cave (I don't know how I knew it was salt. It's just one of those things you know when you're dreaming) that the sun was hitting and making glow in these *gorgeous* blues and greens! Obviously, I had to go look at it. So, I started to climb up to it. I was very nearly there when I saw a person sitting on a ledge just below it - this person looked a lot like a friend of mine from engineering camp (but somehow older and more worn) that I've lost touch with, so I took a little detour to see if it was him - and it was! We started to catch up, and then I woke up. I didn't get to see the cave, but it was ok.

Dream 2
This dream also sort of had to do with the ocean, although in an odd way. I dreamt that I was in band rehearsal (but it wasn't my band?) and we were all learning to jump through really large tan waves with sand on the crest. Does that make sense? I have no idea how else to describe it. That may very well be the only way. I'm not certain that the waves themselves were water - in fact, I'm fairly certain that they weren't... but they were somehow connected to the ocean. Anyway, there was some special way to jump through these waves, but I couldn't do it. I kept doing it wrong, and when you did it wrong, you got hit with the sand from the crest of the wave. The band director decided that I needed some extra help, so while the rest of the band got to go take a break, she asked someone to stay and help me learn how to do it right (the ironic thing was that I wasn't even in the band!). I remember being really concerned about this person having to stay through break to help me, but he was really ok with it. I'm not sure if I ever actually learned how to do this.

Dream 3
This dream was pretty short, but also cute. I dreamt that I was walking somewhere in Boston, and I met this guy that looked startlingly like Matthew McFadyen (in fact, could have BEEN him) (I only know that name because of Pride and Prejudice (Colin Firth was better!!!!!). And also Must Love Dogs. shhh) ahem. We had this really great conversation, and he said that we should meet up and continue it later. I thought that was a great idea, and he said that we should meet "where street 660 meets streets 5 and 6" which obviously made all the sense in the world in my dream. I said something along the lines of 'great, see you later' and went home... at which point I realized that uhh, we never said a time to meet there. Not only that but I didn't know anything about him, and thus, could not contact him to say 'hey, let's meet up now!'. But then I looked out my front window (I lived in Boston, apparently) and realized that the intersection of all of these streets was right in front of my house, and he was sitting there. Haha!
Weird, yes. It was a nice dream though.

And, well, between my messed-up sleep schedule (going to sleep now, I promise!) and studying for midterms, this is all of note my brain has been able to produce (with a few exclusions that were so weird, I have no idea how to simultaneously describe and explain them in a way that will make them interesting).
Ah well.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Some of my most interesting dreams are had during 15 minute naps.

Like today, for instance-
I closed my eyes, and where did I find myself? On a water slide! How awesome is that? Except that actually, I'm pretty sure it was a kiddie water slide... at any rate, it was just like the new slide/playground system at The Hollow, which is a park in the town that I grew up in. The big slide there is now, well, small, for big kids like me... I remember when I thought it was AWESOME, but now I have to scrunch waaaay down to slide down it. Anyway, there was a lot of water going down the slide, almost more than was normal - I think in my dream that I decided this was because I'd been sitting there looking out at everything for a while, but it was good because you know, the more water the better! Except that just as I was about to go, I looked at the actual slide and there was this little kid climbing back up it to a little whirlpool that was attached to and only accessible by the slide, and all of his friends were there. Obviously I couldn't go down the slide while the kid was going up it, so I waited.
The next thing I remember (perhaps the next thing that happened) was I was inside my old high school - doing what, I don't know, but the playground complex with the water slide was just outside, and I'd just come in after playing on that. For some very strange reason, Eric (from band camp?) was there, wearing this bizarre hat. It was like a crown cut-out, but it had all these notes and pictures on it - kind of like my 'senior star' thing where my parents put all these photos of me from earlier years on a big cut out star, and it got hung in the school (with the rest of the senior stars) during gradnight. Anyway, the dominant feature on this hat of Eric's was a HUGE pink feather. Interesting.
I was talking to him about why he was there (I can't remember the reason) when it suddenly started raining - which is all well and good, I love storms... but this storm had this TERRIBLE pressure; it was awful. I could feel it. like a weight in my head - I kept trying to pop my ears, but in vain! And I just started sinking under it - it was really terrible and realistic. I can't really explain it better than that. At this point, I knew there was a tornado outside, and we had to get downstairs, or somewhere safe, but the tornado was too close, and I was too far from anything to grab on to (I don't know what happened to Eric) - but as I turned to run and felt my feet slipping out from under me on the floor, I thought to myself 'it's ok, this is just a dream,' - which is a really unusual thought for my dream self to have. I usually am unaware that I'm dreaming, which sometimes makes for rather traumatic dreams. When I was little I would have 'natural disaster' dreams, and not know they were dreams until a while after I woke up. Those were the WORST. Anyway, woke up, knew where I was and what was happening.
Savored the details!