Friday, March 21, 2008

No time like the present

I could, theoretically, dredge up every dream diary that I've ever had and type them up and put them here. Maybe one day, I will compile all of my dreams, just for my own amusement. In the meantime, I'd like to make a note of a few of the dreams I've had in the last couple of days, because there has been a definite theme of relationship-wanting.

First there was a soul-mate (one of those epic dreams; when I get back to school I suppose I could post it; I wrote it down on some scrap paper up there).
Then there was a fiance whose mother hated me (short, somewhat complex series of events).
Last night, I tangoed in the Sahara. This dream didn't have a focus on the guy though - in fact, I don't even think that I was particularly attached to him, but he was teaching me how to tango. Tangoing me, really... what I remember is this: I'm wearing a gorgeous red dress (obviously, I mean, come on! It's the TANGO) and he was twirling me - the best way I can think of to describe/explain this is like when you twirl a towel and then snap it at someone. I was the towel. But in a really good way! As odd as that sounds. Then there were those long dramatic steps (no roses, interestingly) and then he told me that it was my cue to say something (I can't remember what) and then he sort of spun me and I kind of flew, and then landed in the sand, which was incredibly soft. Kiiiiind of like my bed. Heh.

And then I woke up. The end.

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