Sunday, April 20, 2008

Hermit Crabs without shells, and Spiders falling from the SKY

So, the other night my dream was this:

I was in a building with the last people in the world. I don't know what happened to everyone else, and I don't remember who the people left were. There weren't that many though, that's for sure. Suddenly, half of the building (or most of the building) collapsed, and I thought that everyone but me was dead. Then, people started appearing out of the rubble and gathering around me. There weren't that many, but still - SO much better than none. Then for some reason, there were all these hermit crabs without shells wandering around, and I wanted desperately to find them all shells so that they could have somewhere to live - but there weren't any shells in the building! I decided to go outside and have a look around out there for some shells... and just as I stepped outside, all of these HUGE black spiders with rubies for eyes came out of the sky (from spaceships, I think?) and then -

I stopped it.

I walked back inside, and apologized to everyone, because everything that had happened was my fault (I guess that means the essential annihilation of humanity, the shell-less hermit crabs, and the terrifying spiders from the sky). It was because I'd picked the wrong ending in one of those pick-your-own-ending books.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Last night I had this bizarre dream about doing research in a swamp in Africa. At some point in it, I was just trying to find something to eat, something I could stand, and what I found was sort of like prehistoric corn - it was HUGE and the kernels looked kind of weird, and there were these peach-colored squishy sort of disk things poking up here and there along the length of the 'corn'. Eternally grateful to the man who brought it to me, I took a huge bite just as he said 'be sure to pull out the leeches. They're poisonous.' The leeches being those peachy things. I'd already eaten practically a whole mouthful, and I was panicking, but the guy was already gone (he had been on his way out the door when he said that). I ran into the kitchen, and my grandfather was standing there. When I told him what had happened, he told me to eat salt - that would kill the leeches before they could suck up my blood from within. We were then trying to find a can of salt, but there weren't any! All we could find were those little individual packages of salt.
Then my research partner walked in, and something happened, but I don't know what. The next thing I knew, it was several years previous to the first part of the dream. I think my research partner and I were leaving - we didn't have the money to keep up the research, and she had a kid she didn't want to raise in the swamp, so we walked to the catwalk that led out of the swamp, turned, looked back (the sun was setting - it was actually really gorgeous - not like a "swamp" that we think of here in new england... more like a vibrant, GREEN marshland almost, but tropical), then turned to leave, and her daughter was GONE. We could see ripples in the swamp, but it was dark and murky and we couldn't see the girl - We couldn't jump in without a flashlight (the only way I can think to describe the swamp is this: it was like an iced over pond. You don't just jump in after someone, you have to fish them out because you run the excellent risk of killing yourself otherwise) so, I ran back to the research station to find a flashlight, but I could only remember where the flashlights of the future WOULD be - but they weren't there yet. So, I couldn't find a flashlight, and I was freaking out because the daughter was going to die (if she wasn't dead yet), and I couldn't help my research partner when she really needed me to help her, and well, obviously I didn't want the girl to die! But I couldn't find a flashlight!!!! Then, three people walked in - my research partner, her daughter, and some random man. At first I thought that the man had jumped into the water, but it turned out the daughter had run away to some judge's house (idk why there was a judge living in the swamp) because she didn't want to leave the swamp.
I guess we stayed to continue research, because the first part of my dream took place in the future.

Odd, indeed. At least I've stopped dreaming about fiances/boyfriends/soulmates. That was getting obnoxious.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Day Dream

Today while I was working on my pset, I put my head down and fell asleep.

I dreamt something short and uncomplicated, but when I woke up, all I remembered was this image of a woman kneeling, looking at photographs she had taken (I think she was a photographer) that were strewn around on the floor. On the top was something she had taken when she was young and passionate about her work. It had no borders (all of her recent photos were printed with white borders) and it was a photo of a few pages of poetry on a brick floor. It was gorgeous, and it said so much.
I think that I put it there, to remind her of who she had been, and who she still was underneath it all. The photograph and the reminder made her cry.

Then I woke up and went back to work.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Whale Dream

Last night I dreamt that I was on a raft in the middle of the ocean with someone (idk who, maybe more than one person) and a killer whale poked it's snout above the water, and blew out it's blow-hole, then dove and came up right under the raft - the people jumped off, and I'm a little fuzzy on this part, I don't know if it came out, then dove and came up again, or if this happened the first time, but what happened was this:
Somehow, I got caught up in the momentum of the whale, and I was lifted out of the water with it. I soared through the air, and then plunged back into the water with the whale.

Then we were all on shore, and the mafia (or some similar group) was giving us towels, and being a little threatening, then one of them told how they had seen me 'lifted' (that wasn't the word he used, but the word he used was one that I don't think exists in my vocabulary) with the whale, and they were all really impressed and didn't harass us anymore.

The end.

Haha. Sorry, I haven't been recording, I should really get on this. Lately I have either been not sleeping at all, or catching up on sleep such that I sleep like the dead. Anyway, I'll try to be more on top of things!