Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Exams and my Dogs

So, I haven't been updating this as religiously as I thought I would, but oh well. This one should make up for it:

First I dreamt that I was in my physics exam, and I found out that because things were going so slowly in the registrars office, if I did really poorly on my final I could still drop the class. Then I took the final, which, for some strange reason, was open notebook - which was AWESOME. I kept having to go places and come back though, so I feel like it took me a really long time. But it was fine.

I can't remember the exact order of things, but it would make sense for this bit to happen first:
Brendan and I found this awesome castle place, and we went inside, but it was all charred from a fire - caused by a fire-wielding person! So we went around cleaning it all, and we got to the outside of a tower and there was a tree, and our mom was in the tree, fighting some thing, and she set the tree on fire and burned it down, and Brendan and I helped take care of the thing she was fighting (we all could wield fire). Then we went back into the castle and showed her what we had been doing, and she helped.

Later, I guess my family lived in the castle, and our dogs were tethered outside (I don't know why) and all of these people kept driving by looking at them. I was looking out a bay window - I had a cap and a mask on for some reason - watching the people watching them. A silver limo drove up, stopped in front of the dogs, kept going, then someone in the car saw me watching and jumped out of the car and ran up to the dogs, unclipping them from their leads.

I bolted to go after them, and I ran outside to confront the man, who now had two goons standing next to him. He was still standing there with my dogs, and he goes "Choose." I was like YEAH RIGHT am I going to CHOOSE between my two dogs, who are you to tell me I have to choose?!?! But I noticed that I was standing on the edge of Luna's leash, which the man was holding, and I knew I could trust Lucky, so I picked Lucky - the man dropped both of the leashes, and let them go, and they both took off. Luna's leash got pulled out from under my foot, and I don't know why, but I just got so furious that I set the man's goons on fire. They weren't injured at all, but it scared them, and they brought the dogs back.

Then they promised to go back to carving pumpkins, which is what they had done before becoming the man's goons. I don't know what was up with the man. I think he just wanted to reveal my fire power. Or something.

Later, I was out with my family (we had to replace a doberman's tooth?? I have no idea why) and we drove by splash mountain, which we had all agreed we would go on soon. We were very excited.

Then someone came into my room, and I woke up.

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