Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Stargate makes my dreams richer

I had this fascinating series of events in my dreams last night... it started out with an escape, in a helicopter. I was there with two other people, a man and a woman - the man was piloting. I don't know who we were running from, but whoever they were, they were shooting at us. They killed the man piloting, and I had to fly the helicopter.

A brief aside, in all of my flying dreams, I have the most difficulty in going up. I sink slowly, and then I come to an obstacle and I have to fight tooth and nail to bring myself back up.

Anyway, flying the helicopter was rather Gary Paulsen describes flying the biplane in his books about Brian - even though I'm almost certain that flying a helicopter is nothing like flying an airplane. Somehow we got to a city (pretty sure it was Boston), and I was weaving through the buildings, trying to keep us from crashing. The helicopter kept sinking, and I would have to practically do battle with it to get it to pull up again - a couple of times we nearly crashed into a lower building because of it, but somehow I managed to keep us from dying.

Somehow, I managed to land - surprise! - at Wellesley. It didn't look anything like Wellesley... more like a blend of Wellesley and Haverford, I guess. I thought I was safe there, so I took my bike to the library (don't ask me why). While in the elevator, elevator music suddenly came on, which was my cue that I was still being chased - I took off through the library. At some point, I was in close jungle, and at the intersection of two highways, I stopped to visit my alligators/crocodiles (I can't remember which they were anymore) which were kept in the triangle of the intersection of the roads, fenced to keep people out. For some reason, the animals liked me.

I'm not sure how this all ended; my dog woke me up - but I don't think I ever got caught, and overall, it was a very satisfying chase.

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