Monday, August 25, 2008

I've been remiss!

I have - surprise, surprise! - still been dreaming, whilst not writing in this blog, and unfortunately for all of you (but also myself) I can't remember all of the dreams that I've had. I do have a few fragments that I'd like to record though, and I'll do what I can to keep it in order.

Some time ago, I dreamt that I got to go see the gymnastics part of the olympics! But it was being held in a theater, oddly enough. I don't remember the finer details, but what I do remember is that my family had these excellent seats in a balcony, and somehow we got separated. I was trying to find the correct balcony, but I kept taking the wrong staircase - at one point coming out at the very top of the theater, where I saw the guy I'd met at the prow of the cruise ship I went on with my girl scout troop (long story short, I was wandering around the boat at night alone, and chatted with some nice guy at the very top, very front of the boat - where you could lean into the wind and not fall over!), but I didn't talk to him in my dream; I turned around and went down to try another staircase.
Somewhere along the way, this very fancily dressed gentleman (who I knew in my dream, but I have no idea who he is/if he's anyone in real life) saw me and said that he had really great seats - would I do him the honor of joining him? How could I refuse? I really wanted to find my family, but I couldn't say no to this guy (because of his stature). I'm pretty sure he was wearing a top hat and tails. He led me to this row of about 5 seats on the first floor of the theater - the expensive seats, for sure, but we were just under the lip of a balcony, so we couldn't see any of the elements the gymnasts did on the high bar that went above the bar. Anyway, as I said, there were 5 seats - he took the second seat from the end to the left, and there were two women next to him (I think they were 'with' him, but not WITH him, if that makes sense), and the last seat on the right was empty. I really wanted to see what was going on up on stage, so I went around to take that seat, but there was a little girl sitting there, which was annoying because she was too young to appreciate what was going on, but I couldn't kick her out of the seat. So, I went back and sat next to the man, even though I didn't really want to. There was a woman's jacket folded on the back of the chair, and I was really nervous because in normal life, that means the chair is taken - but he was convinced the jacket came with the chair (I really have no idea which was correct).
At any rate, Brendan suddenly appeared, and said he could take me to our seats, so I jumped up, told the man I'd divide my time, and bolted. He ran much faster than me though, and when we got the the key staircase, I didn't know where to go! Ugh! I ran past some security guards and hoped really hard that they wouldn't stop me (the competition was about to start!) but they just watched, bemused. Finally, I ran up this tiny spiral staircase that I had taken out of the which-staircase-should-I-run-up? competition because it was so small. Amazingly enough, at the top of it, there was a glass atrium sort of thing where all the widows were playing poker! (I don't know why.) Just outside of that was the balcony, and, hooray! My family! So, win.

Sometime after this dream, whether it was days or minutes or hours or seconds, I don't know, but I dreamt that I was once again with the Widows, and we were heading back through the wilderness to Wellesley. Through an obstacle course. I know where this dream came from: my difficulties with the wellesley financial aid services! No mystery there.

Lastly, that I can recall, the other night I dreamt that I had one of my friends over (this dream took place at my old house; I moved a few years ago), and for whatever reason, I blurted out that I loved him - then I turned tail and ran. He followed me out onto the porch, but by the time he got there, I was already at the driveway (porch had a staircase to the driveway) and luckily for me, another friend was sitting there, waiting to kidnap me. Not kidnap as in 'rawr! pay the ransom or else!', just kidnap in the way that friends do. It was very well timed, and she drove me away before he could catch up. This one I know all about too - I do like this guy, a lot, but it really isn't the best time for me to go blurting out anything about love.
Thanks, subconscious. (heavy sarcasm)

Well, that's all I can recall at the moment! Perhaps tonight I shall dream - and if that is the case, I will most certainly endeavor to record said dream in a timely fashion!

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