Friday, October 3, 2008

Dreams Dreams Dreams!

I really don't update this as often as I should.
On the other hand, my dreams aren't always fascinating and worthy of recording - and by worthy, I just really mean you all don't need to read about me walking around or showing up late for an exam and other such nonsense that sometimes happens in my dreams.
Anywho, I have had a few interesting dreams over the past week or so - little blips on the dream radar, but neat all the same.

Dream 1
The first dream that I jotted down took place in a huge coastal amphitheater that I was visiting with my structural geology class. It was SO COOL. It was also very steep and dangerous, and the ocean sort of wooooooshed into it and filled it up a lot more than it looked like it would - then it would go out, and you'd think you could go lower, but really, you couldn't. The amphitheater was made up of all of these different ledges of rock pushed in all sorts of directions, but they were all fairly column-like. Anyway, I tried to walk down a bit, just to see what was below the tide line, but the ocean came in (woooooosh!) and caught me - it was lucky that I hadn't been lower in the amphitheater, otherwise I probably would have gotten smoo(oooo)shed. As it was, I just got pushed up to where my geos professor was sitting observing, and he told me that he thought I probably shouldn't try that again. I agreed, and looked around to see what I should clamber over to - and a few ledges above me, there was this salt cave (I don't know how I knew it was salt. It's just one of those things you know when you're dreaming) that the sun was hitting and making glow in these *gorgeous* blues and greens! Obviously, I had to go look at it. So, I started to climb up to it. I was very nearly there when I saw a person sitting on a ledge just below it - this person looked a lot like a friend of mine from engineering camp (but somehow older and more worn) that I've lost touch with, so I took a little detour to see if it was him - and it was! We started to catch up, and then I woke up. I didn't get to see the cave, but it was ok.

Dream 2
This dream also sort of had to do with the ocean, although in an odd way. I dreamt that I was in band rehearsal (but it wasn't my band?) and we were all learning to jump through really large tan waves with sand on the crest. Does that make sense? I have no idea how else to describe it. That may very well be the only way. I'm not certain that the waves themselves were water - in fact, I'm fairly certain that they weren't... but they were somehow connected to the ocean. Anyway, there was some special way to jump through these waves, but I couldn't do it. I kept doing it wrong, and when you did it wrong, you got hit with the sand from the crest of the wave. The band director decided that I needed some extra help, so while the rest of the band got to go take a break, she asked someone to stay and help me learn how to do it right (the ironic thing was that I wasn't even in the band!). I remember being really concerned about this person having to stay through break to help me, but he was really ok with it. I'm not sure if I ever actually learned how to do this.

Dream 3
This dream was pretty short, but also cute. I dreamt that I was walking somewhere in Boston, and I met this guy that looked startlingly like Matthew McFadyen (in fact, could have BEEN him) (I only know that name because of Pride and Prejudice (Colin Firth was better!!!!!). And also Must Love Dogs. shhh) ahem. We had this really great conversation, and he said that we should meet up and continue it later. I thought that was a great idea, and he said that we should meet "where street 660 meets streets 5 and 6" which obviously made all the sense in the world in my dream. I said something along the lines of 'great, see you later' and went home... at which point I realized that uhh, we never said a time to meet there. Not only that but I didn't know anything about him, and thus, could not contact him to say 'hey, let's meet up now!'. But then I looked out my front window (I lived in Boston, apparently) and realized that the intersection of all of these streets was right in front of my house, and he was sitting there. Haha!
Weird, yes. It was a nice dream though.

And, well, between my messed-up sleep schedule (going to sleep now, I promise!) and studying for midterms, this is all of note my brain has been able to produce (with a few exclusions that were so weird, I have no idea how to simultaneously describe and explain them in a way that will make them interesting).
Ah well.

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