Tuesday, November 4, 2008


My dreams of late have been very strange, and borderline distressing - my subconscious has been playing tricks on me! Lately I've been dreaming about people I know, but in my dreams they're not who I know them as. For example, the other day I dreamt about a strange combination of a friend and my little brother - in this case, the dream-blend looked like my friend, but was, in actuality, my brother. That's the only concrete example I can think of; the others aren't as definite - in other words, I'll dream about someone specific, but when I wake up, I know that the person I dreamt about - even though I *knew* who they were in my dream - wasn't actually the person I thought s/he was. Make sense?
Yeah, it messes with me too. Especially because I have a hard time re-setting my notions of people until I interact with them after the dream was had, because as far as my subconscious is concerned, it WAS a real encounter. Which is kind of weird.

Sorry for the lame update! Lately (most of) my dreams have been either incoherent or boring - in the sense that they're about everyday things. Maybe when I start sleeping regularly again things will pick up.

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