Sunday, November 9, 2008

Geology and Music are combing in my head in straaaaange ways

Last night I had this very odd dream about band... for whatever reason, I was visiting Nonnewaug and they were doing some marching band thing and they needed me to play -and woah, I'd brought my trumpet! The uniforms were mostly the same except the jackets were longer (with tails!!!) and flashier and there were hats! It was pretty exciting. So we were in this room off the side of wherever it was that we were playing, warming up and such. I pulled out my horn - but my mouthpiece was bent! I put it in my leadpipe and tried to play, and it was ok, but it was kind of weird. I decided that I would go find my old band director, because I knew that the director before him had had a thing that pulled stuck mouthpieces out of trumpets, and in my dream that translated to a dented-mouthpiece-fixer, so I started wandering through the school. It was PACKED! With people come to see whatever it was the band was playing at and also the band itself! My whole old section was there, and they all had the really awesome uniforms and some of them had piccolo trumpets and others had heralds!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And someone had a heraldic piccolo!!!!!!!!!! wooooooooooahh!!! I finally made it to the gym, which was where my band director was - he was sitting at a table with all of my old band directors, and they were all wearing long-sleeved full-legged unitards. I do not know why. It wasn't strange in my dream though.
Anyway, I pulled out my mouthpiece to show them, and that was when I realized there was a FAULT LINE ACROSS MY MOUTHPIECE!!!! And that's why it was 'dented' and that's why it wasn't playing right! When I first saw it, the fault line wasn't visible, just the deformation to the mouthpiece - but when I pulled it out later, I could see the fault line, and there was definite displacement! Amazing. I couldn't figure out what I was going to do - I thought it was my Model 5 Marcinkiewicz (which they apparently don't make anymore? I don't know. I got mine from my high school trumpet teacher) - but then I realized that it was actually my Bach mouthpiece, which is obviously no big deal. Except that I wanted to play!!!! I was about to go off and find someone with an extra mouthpiece when I woke up though, so no buzzing in my sleep. Ah well.

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