Sunday, April 20, 2008

Hermit Crabs without shells, and Spiders falling from the SKY

So, the other night my dream was this:

I was in a building with the last people in the world. I don't know what happened to everyone else, and I don't remember who the people left were. There weren't that many though, that's for sure. Suddenly, half of the building (or most of the building) collapsed, and I thought that everyone but me was dead. Then, people started appearing out of the rubble and gathering around me. There weren't that many, but still - SO much better than none. Then for some reason, there were all these hermit crabs without shells wandering around, and I wanted desperately to find them all shells so that they could have somewhere to live - but there weren't any shells in the building! I decided to go outside and have a look around out there for some shells... and just as I stepped outside, all of these HUGE black spiders with rubies for eyes came out of the sky (from spaceships, I think?) and then -

I stopped it.

I walked back inside, and apologized to everyone, because everything that had happened was my fault (I guess that means the essential annihilation of humanity, the shell-less hermit crabs, and the terrifying spiders from the sky). It was because I'd picked the wrong ending in one of those pick-your-own-ending books.



Anonymous said...

Symbolism! Crabs without shells could symbolize people exposed without their usual cover. The living rising out of rubble? How about a nation revived after a debacle like Iraq/Afghanistan?

Spiders with rubies for eyes is a poser if ever there was one, so look for the symbolism and you may find it.

Bon chance!

Nooreen said...

I think you're probably right; my crazy dreams are usually really symbolic. I can never decide if it's more symbolism or just things from my life - I'm pretty sure the spiders were referring to Cylons (I recently started watching Battlestar Galactica, haha)